
Ruth A Ballweg
Professor Emeritus
(206) 616-6343


CHWS Publications

For full listings, please visit the CHWS website

Larson E, Hart LG, Ballweg R. National estimates of physician assistant productivity J Allied Health 30(3):146-152 01-01-2001


RHRC Publications

For full listings, please visit the RHRC website

Allen SM, Ballweg RA, Cosgrove EM, Engle KA, Robinson LR, Rosenblatt RA, Skillman SM, Wenrich MD. Challenges and opportunities in building a sustainable rural primary care workforce in alignment with the Affordable Care Act: the WWAMI Program as a case study Acad Med 88(12):1862-1869 11-27-2013

Hummel J, Cortte R, Ballweg R, Larson E. Physician assistant training for Native Alaskan community health aides: the MEDEX Northwest experience Alaska Med 36(4):183-188 10-01-1994